Waste water from our production process is treated in our own water treatment system and then reused.
In addition to chemical/physical systems we use a biological purification system based on microorganisms.
This system processes and purifies up to 100m³ of waste water per hour in a purely biological process. Not only is the water treated in an eco-friendly manner, it can also be reused multiple times. Only 5% to 10% of the waste water produced in each production cycle goes to the local sewage treatment plant.
At the end of each cycle, sanitary and production waste water is sent to the local sewage plant via a test point following a weekly analysis by an independent environmental monitoring laboratory contracted by Ecoplast and the local waste water association (Abwasserverband Wildon).
Ultimately, continuous improvement processes and investments in waste water treatment allow us to reduce water consumption in production by 85% to 90%.